The form of these poems may be very trite,
       Maybe though you’ll see the light,
However even if you believe they stink,
       Hopefully they’ll still make you think!

The path to truth you can find,

     As long as you keep an open mind.

If you really want to get it right,

      You need more than just a sound bite.



As we began century 21,

            We found ourselves under the gun,

The Twin Towers crashed in a pile of rubble,

            Our security bursting like a bubble,


Once again religion corrupted by men,

            Conjuring evil in their hidden den,

Cheney and Bush using it as an excuse,

            Put to work for their own use,

A plan as diabolical as any,

            That ultimately led to the deaths of many,

Using lies to convince all the rest,

            To attack a sovereign nation would be for the best,

Though Saddam was evil to the core,

            That never was a reason before,

It unsettled further a tumultuous region,

            As friends deserted us as a legion,

Because it was not for any need,

            Except to satisfy callous greed,


But the sins of Bush did not end there,

            They reached out to everyone everywhere,

The American poor and middle classes,

            Were knocked down on their respective asses,

No longer the greatest nation on earth,

            We only have a fraction of our former worth,

And in the name of much needed health care,

            The health industry cleans our pockets bare,

The environment he will surely kill,

            For want of passing any real green bill,

If George Bush inflicts any more strife,

            Before long on this planet there will be no life,


Elected twice by the rich and also those,

            Who have problems counting their toes,

The theme of the Bush years has been ignorance and greed,

            Ignoring all the worlds every need,

And adding to every other transgression,

            In the end he caused the Great Recession,

So it is not really very much of a mystery,

            George W. Bush is the worst president in our history.






After Bush policies caused the Great Recession,

            The nation was in a collective depression,

Fortunes lost overnight,

            Maybe now people will see the light?

A black man as president was elected,

            A man of intellect, Obama was selected,

In the context of politics he was a good man,

            But because of his race many weren’t a fan,


Conservatives in Congress carried on the fight,

            To continue enhancing corporate might,

At the expense of the people of the United States,

            As ignorance and greed still dominated our fates,

But despite many a compromise to corporate greed,

            A health care plan was passed indeed,

Despite being far from the very best,

            Many more were covered nonetheless,


Conservatives prevented much real progress,

            Placing the nation under constant duress,

Playing the role of corporate shills,

            They prevented passage of positive bills,

Environment was a vital cause,

            Despite attempts to pass backward laws,

Still Obama tried to move ahead,

            If so many in the nation were not brain dead,

More success would have been achieved,

            If so many of the public had not been deceived, 





With corporate media misleading the nation

            And so many blinded to the real situation,

Those people finally realized that they’d been sold out,

            By the party they’d been electing without any doubt,

They turned to the ugliest candidate of all,

            Who espoused hatred overall,

With no understanding of what it’s all about,

            They elected the nation’s biggest lout,


The greedy use the ignorant to fulfill their needs,

            By perpetrating on them dirty deeds,

But here we have in Donald Trump,

            The total package in one big lump,

 When everything is said and done,

            He personifies ignorance and greed in one,


If you think about it fully,

            His mentality is that of a schoolyard bully,

And his attitude toward women is beyond inconsiderate,

            There is no doubt he is truly a degenerate,

Mean spirited to the nth degree,

            He’ll deprive you and me,

Of health care, clean air and many rights,

            And with other nations he picks fights,

Hard working immigrants who help this nation,

            Are forced to face deportation,


America’s standing in the world he is lightening,

            His threats and isolation are truly frightening,

The way his foreign policy goes,

            Tends to favor America’s foes,

And toward allies the attitude generated,

            Only works to make them alienated,


He and his Republican cronies,

            As the nation’s biggest phonies,

Allow the very rich a free pass,

            While totally decimating the middle class,

Throwing them down among the poor,

            Who are those they completely ignore,


When a global pandemic reached our shores,

            He welcomed it with open doors,

By ignoring the scientific advice,

            While so many people paid a heavy price,

At first he tells us it’s a political hoax

            As it starts taking hold killing so many folks,

Refusing to take charge, he passes the buck,

            Allowing us all to wallow in the muck,

He won’t get enough supplies to the states,

            Dooming so many to their fates,

All he can do is place blame on others,

            While so many are losing their fathers and mothers,


For the Angel of Death he has opened the gate,

            In the crisis he encourages divisiveness and hate,

Providing false guidance and making risky demands,

            He has the blood of so many Americans on his hands,

Instead of trying to make things well,

            He’s virtually told Americans to go to hell,


But as the election grows very near,

            It can be seen in him the growing fear,

That he will lose his place to Biden,

            Especially since the gap continues to widen,

At the first presidential debate,

            By ranting and raving he sealed his fate,

He screamed out insults and bold faced lies,

            Showing that it’s wisdom he defies,


Shortly after he came down with the virus he said,

            Would shortly be gone and put to bed,

Continuing the absurdity that defines his role,

            That has taken on everyone such a great toll, 


As anyone who can think can plainly see,

            He is the epitome of “ME, ME, ME”,

Intent only on his own domination,

            He is truly an abomination,

 The ultimate truth about his legacy,

            Is that to this planet he is heresy,

The worst by far ever in that post,

            Trump makes Bush look good to most.




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