Recognizing the great cultural diversity among black peoples


A letter to the editor in the February 2021 issue of Consumer Reports questioned why “Black”, referring to a racial group, was capitalized while “white” was not. The editor’s answer was surprising; noting that “Black” referred to a specific ethnic group while “white” was strictly generic. She goes on to mention several major media outlets that have recently done the same; most, if not all, with an overall progressive cultural bias. In fact, the article referred to described bias in health care against people of color.

Although defining ethnicity and placement in a specific group can be somewhat sketchy, this would seem to be a superficial way of looking at people of color; inconsistent with the way white or Asian groups are categorized. Whereas Irish and Italians are defined separately, as are Chinese and Japanese, under this definition, Jamaicans and Haitians are not. And isn’t Black American culture unique from those and others?

The Caribbean and South America are homes to varied rich black cultures; Jamaican, Dominican and Haitian to name a few. Cuba and Brazil can also boast their own unique cultures. Africa, the ancestral home of black people (actually, the original home of all people) is incredibly diverse with several distinctive cultures. Classifying all black people as one therefore, grievously shortchanges the great diversity among people of color. Isn’t this itself a form of racism?   

It goes without saying that all cultures must be recognized and respected. However, if true racial equality is ever to be achieved, we must look beyond race, thrive on cultural diversity and look at the individual and the character within.


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