Look not just at but into…


Challenging our quality of life

New Yorkers are being cast aside in the name of profits with quality of life speeding swiftly downward. Now, it’s a casino in Coney Island!

Many don’t recognize how drastically it will compromise the quality of life throughout the entire southern tier of Brooklyn; increasing already abominable traffic, raising already high prices and encouraging more high density housing destructive to our neighborhoods.

Proposed casino locations have rejected it; virtually all wealthier with political pull to resist. Coney Island is weakest; most vulnerable.

Several of our local elected officials support it, ignoring the grave harm to their communities. Although few are vocal, most actively work toward its implementation willingly or by intimidation from the political bosses who can control their careers.

It is the only proposed location in Brooklyn and big money in the borough is on board.   

Coney Island itself had been totally neglected with desperately vital upgrades of its rapidly deteriorating infrastructure never a thought until rezoned for gentrification; existing community being undermined and slowly displaced.

Surrounding communities don’t seem to grasp the impending carnage that will engulf them as well.

This is a fight that must unite everyone who cares about their neighborhood, their community, their family!                               

The line must be drawn here and now for any chance of stemming the invasion!!!                                  

Affected communities must unite and fight aggressively. Demands must be made of elected officials to actively join the battle or be voted out and businesses in favor financially compromised with letter writing campaigns and boycotts.

Otherwise, our neighborhoods, so rich in diversity and energy will no longer exist; victims of greed and a political system that supports it…

If you believe, share this.

            Don’t let them take Brooklyn away from us!




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