The most important questions one can ask are why and how.


A world in chaos; profits soar as money tightens its rule


Essentially, we all aspire to the same things; a comfortable quality of life without worry about our basic needs. Yet, we continue to fight among ourselves, divided mostly on issues few truly understand. Meanwhile, we, the people, continue to lose empowerment and entitlements as the ultra rich, today’s nobility, continue to vastly increase their wealth and power.

Do you think that, maybe, conflicts have been created as roadblocks, preventing us from uniting for the common causes that benefit people and threaten profits?

Let’s get real! Look at what’s happening in the world today! Look at what’s happening in America! The digital world spreads divisive falsehoods and even the best media often omits or trivializes vital facts. The conflicts themselves, as reported, too often neglect to provide valid explanations for each side. And some issues are created specifically to provoke anger with no tangible validation.

With lack of communication or discussion, frustration and anger dominate, playing into the hands of those who take advantage. So, without necessary criteria or means to sit down at the same table, all the gains society has made socially and financially since the Great Depression are, one by one, being eliminated. And we the people become victims of the exploitation and oppression from which they were enacted to protect us.

Those who benefit from our divisiveness are relatively few in numbers, with common interests and the massive power to control what influences us. We battle each other as hard fought gains achieved from the sacrifices of our forebears are slowly disappearing, denying their posterity, playing into the hands of the lords of greed.

But even for the ultra rich; their hunger for control; it is the future itself they defeat. Blinded by their zeal for power, they ignore the consequences even their billions can’t repair.




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