The world hasn’t experienced a global cataclysm since World War II. How many remember the horrors and hardships? There hasn’t been a major pandemic in over a hundred years. No one remembers. Through generations, distractions and complacency have caused society to drift far from the ability to truly comprehend the all encompassing reality, greatly increasing the consequences.
History repeats itself in many ways. One type of crisis comes along every so many generations and totally blindsides us, creating chaos and devastation. Widespread disease has caused turmoil that has changed the course of history; at times causing the fall of civilizations. And here it is again, a century since the last, completely absent from the minds of anyone alive today. So even with our advanced technology and medical expertise, the world is cast into chaos.
One would think that in this age of technology there would be a way to mitigate the spread until a permanent solution is in place. Even in the best of times fear and confusion is difficult to control. Today, in a time of polarization and dysfunction in our society, with incompetent, irresponsible leadership, the pandemic is wildly out of control.
If there is a time for everyone to work as one for common cause; if there is a time to put aside politics and listen to professionals; it is during a time of crisis. Yet, here in America the virus spreads and kills as an anti-science culture has encouraged many to actively oppose reasonable solutions. And this is not restricted to America. Civil unrest, mass migrations and irresponsible, self-centered leadership prevails globally.
In America, leadership at the top levels has completely deserted the realm of reason with many states following with disastrous results. Often, with government blessing or provocation, too many people have been defiant about taking proper precautions, many gathering in large groups, refusing to wear masks. In this environment, it is left to individuals to make many of the decisions about how to protect themselves and their families.
Now, I am not one to follow rules just because someone says I must. This however, is a no brainer; a major medical crisis with those refusing to follow rules compounding the crisis exponentially. Isn’t there proof enough to open people’s eyes? Don’t they see that America, once in the forefront of scientific progress, trails the rest of the world in compliance while leading in cases and deaths?
This is not isolated to rural areas nor people who blindly follow the fiasco in the White House. In New York, where it has been somewhat subdued after being the original epicenter, people are becoming more and more complacent, falsely believing the crisis to be completely subdued. Don’t they get that it has retreated because people have been following protocols? Don’t they understand they must endure until the virus is wiped out?
This pandemic is wreaking havoc on everyone. It overwhelms our lives; our economy. It’s time everyone wakes up to the reality that all else must be put aside and cooperate. Health professionals should be the dominant force in dictating policy concerning this crisis. It is only science and reason that makes sense.
NOTE: Since this was written, Donald Trump and several of those around him have contracted the virus. We would hope that this would be a lesson to all.
The most important questions one can ask are why and how.