The form of these poems may be very trite,
Maybe though you’ll see the light,
However even if you believe they stink,
Hopefully they’ll still make you think!

What’s life about, I did not know,
In which direction should I go?
Is what I seek someone to love,
Or should I find it up above?
Would children give me satisfaction?
What about death defying action?
Should I give in to wanderlust?
I could always watch my old car rust,
Fighting for a cause might be my thing,
Too bad I can’t apply for the job of king,
Could drugs and alcohol get me through?
I really didn’t have a clue,
I’ve been an American all my life,
Why have I dealt with so much strife?
How foolish of me not to know,
It’s around me everywhere I go,
What’s held most dear is plain as day,
For everything we have to pay,
Health, education and such take a back seat,
This is the thing that has all else beat,
Now I know the thing that’s right,
The thing that gives us all the might,
For what I’ve learned I could just sing,
I know now that money is everything!
The path to truth you can find,
As long as you keep an open mind.