This was written after watching a feature about the rise of anti-Semitism in the world. But Jews are not the only targets; hate crimes are on the rise. Frustration and anger are running rampant today, ferociously vented on the innocent.
During the early part of the 20th century a common sight in classified ads was the phrase, “no niggers, Jews or dogs”. Bigotry was open and commonplace, an integral part of society. In the 1930’s there were large rallies in New York by American Nazis. After World War II and the Holocaust Jews were still not found holding high positions in established industries.
Today we find attacks against black people, Asians, Muslims and a major uptick in anti-Semitism. With people alive who experienced one of the greatest atrocities in history and, as a society, we condemn hatred, anti-Semitism is placed back in the spotlight and includes those from both the political right and left.
In Europe
In Europe, there are governments today that openly espouse anti-Semitism. In the United Kingdom, where Jews are generally progressive, as they tend to be in the United States, it has become the tone of the left leaning Labour Party, which Jewish members are leaving in droves. Attacks on Jewish people and institutions have become more common throughout the continent.
America too
The situation in Europe is truly frightening but in America too, we find more and more, also from both the right and the left as well as personal attacks. Known hate groups, for many years anti-Semitic outliers, have been joined by some of the new progressives, a major mark against an otherwise positive cause.
Never forget!
We can never forget that in today’s “civilized” world there is living evidence of the most heinous genocide in history, the vicious murder of a third of the Jewish population on earth; the elimination of the entire Eastern European cultural community.
… and hatred persists!
Jews are far from the only targets!
Throughout the history of Western civilization, Jews have lived as a minority, primarily in the Christian and Moslem worlds. Times of greater enlightenment, and appreciation for what Jews could offer, signaled relatively good times. But during times of strife, the scourge of anti-Semitism would rise up in its ugliest forms.
Today we live in a world where America is becoming more and more diverse with different peoples arriving from every corner of the planet. Unfortunately, the cliché, “Ignorance breeds contempt” continues to apply and factors today compound the problem, creating greater violence. Frustration and anger, along with restrictions placed by Covid-19, have contributed substantially to the attitude as well as to the ferocity.
Constantly in the news today are incidents of attacks on Asians; against women, the elderly. Instances against Muslims and Sikhs also make regular headlines. And police violence against black people is symptomatic of the same problems (see Balance: Justice and Enforcement). Despicable acts against our neighbors, our friends, are becoming daily occurrences.
Pandemic of hate
Certainly, perpetrators must face harsh punishment but we must address the causes and prevention of this pandemic of hate. Everyone, whether American or foreign born, must be made to feel welcome to live in a comfortable place within our greater society.
But how can this be accomplished? Mental health issues must be more intensely addressed. Acceptance of those who are different; not only ethnically but of those in diverse socio-economic groups; must be part of our universal ethic with multi-cultural programs, bringing people together a priority agenda. And most difficult, we must reign in extreme wealth and its influence to pay for needed programs and bring the quality of life for all up to levels that can eliminate much of the anger and frustration that affect so many.
Words are not enough. We must develop a mindset that an attack on one is an attack on all. Diversity can only enrich us as a people. Only together can we eliminate hate and move forward as a global society.